The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Urgent Call from Bank of America

After our nightmare conversation with the acceleration negotiator from hell the other night and the fact that the management of Bank of America in Charlotte, NC visited my blog and suddenly, we have a new negotiator, who didn't have a clue of what was going on and we cannot settle for this. They think after all the humiliation we went through that this is the best that they can do. We also have a message that  a gal from headquarters of the CEO wanted us to call her. We left a message and hopefully, she will call back.

We are expecting an apology and an olive branch of some sort as we are not the types of people that will tolerate someone speaking in a condescending manner to us. We took down the new negoitiators name and told him that we would call if something new came up or any changes.

I am not pulling this blog as the calls from homeowners have been coming in and I want them to continue as I am putting a group together than can bombard them with complaints until the cows come home. If there are homeowners that have a mortgage held by Bank of America, don't hesitate to call. (203) 934-4232


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