The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just checked in with my husband, he's feeling a little better and now he's on a mission to hopefully change the system and make Congress more aware.

After last night's inquisition with the negotiator, my husband, who I thought, after the conversation was having chest pains, is back and ready to pursue many active routes to bring some light and closure to the treatment we received, didn't deserve and neither did the millions of other Bank of America customers.

He agrees with me that Bank of America will do something sneaky and we must act quickly to avoid it, each and every politician in Washington D.C., now, will be contacted, no stones unturned, media outlets will be on our blog email list to get the word out that this has to stop and it has to be NOW!

He is now also agreeing that the Wikileaks disclosures that are coming just might help the economy by weeding out organizations that are not working in the best interest of helping to build the economy, just fill their coffers for those large bonuses for all their employees, who have been expertly trained to dole out verbal abuse and instill fear, which has become a trademark of the Bank of America. He's worked in customer service for years and has never had a conversation with a customer like that, the customer, by their patronage pays the checks of these employees that abuse, if it weren't for the customers, they wouldn't have damn jobs at all, like the rest of us. Perhaps, someday, they won't. My lips to God's ears.

Bank of America should show a little modesty and apologize to us and others that have been treated incorrectly and act like a patriotic corporation that is bent on making this country prosperous again by lending money to businesses in a less stringent manner, not holding on to the HAMP monies given to them by the government to refinance mortgages for their customers, who many have been waiting for over 10-12 months for any resolutions on refinancing, they are stalling them as a friend of mine, who is also a customer of Bank of America, who never gets back to her either, she always has to initiate the call to them and they say that they are still working on it. It's been over 9 months already for her. Where the hell is the money the government gave them, is it being used for the upcoming Xmas bonuses? You bet you're butt it is, and speaking of butts, we might as well kiss ours goodbye, if this EVIL CORPORATION is allowed to continue to operate this way.

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