The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Friday, December 10, 2010

Update-We heard from a very nice acceleration negotiator

On Wednesday, we heard from a negotiator by the name of Robert Serna, who is handling our situation and we are hoping he can do something for us to avoid any problems for the two months that we will be behind until my husband's social security kicks in.

We would be honored if one of the executive, who I have pictured on this site, perhaps, not in good way, and that will be rectified ASAP. We've both been very stressed out, we take paying our bills very seriously and when bumps in the road come along it sure upsets the apple cart. We know that some of the personnel from Bank of America have seen this blog and I've avoided optimizing it and I will make it more simple, like a diary and with God's help, we sincerely hope that Bank of America can do something for us.

Last evening, my husband spoke to a representative that works for the CEO and he was also marvelous, so we've been proved wrong, we were just stunned the other evening by Shawntia Culver, also a negotiator, who was cold and callous and made us very uneasy and she did manage, in her own way, to humiliate, look down upon us and that is why our reactions were a little over the top. We wish to put this to rest and we hope that Bank of America understands. We just need a lift for the 2 payments and then we will be late in February but a check will be in on or about Feb. 25, 2011.

The gentlemen that we spoke to last night suggested we issue a complaint on the negotiator that cut us down to size for no reason all. We will do that but we do not want her fired, she didn't use derogatory words or did she swear or anything as one representative did, when we were with Countrywide. Mortgage lending is tough business and the economy is putting a strain on everyone, so tempers do flare occasionally.
Mr. Mark Martin, will also be calling this evening as he wants to talk to my wife. He did say that Robert Serna is assigned to the case and he suggested to pursue a 4 month forebearance to allow the social security check to kick in. With that we will be able to meet the mortgage but he said that the investor has to approve the forebearance, but he did say that the last 24 months we have nothing wrong and at this time, we are current, we've tired like crazy to keep payments up, but the well at this time is dry but the solution is coming in February and my husband will also be trying to get another small venture going on a shoestring or try to find a part time job somewhere, but employment is tough for the younger set so who would really like and coot as he puts it. He is going to be 62 on December 28, 2010. I don't want anything to happen to him and he's like a mother, always worrying if I'm alright as I've been experiencing very high blood pressure the past few days and I have to keep that in check, hopefully, nothing else will surface to enflame it.


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