The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Heard from U.S. Senator Lieberman's Office today-His Office will Follow-Up Our Requests for Creative Help from Bank of America and It's Investor-Mellon Bank

                       (203) 934-4232

We are hopeful that Bank of America will turn over a new leaf, cease the greed tactics, remember that many of the people they've thrown into the street are taxpayers if one person in the home is still working, they are taxpayers and therefore, they were directly involved with bailing the banks out. The Banks need to sit back, take a deep breath and do everything under sun to change the mortgages to suit the situations, stop the jibberish about they can't do this and can't do that.

They certainly do not have a problem throwing people into the street in the middle of refinancing or modification and not even notify them that a foreclosure motion is in the works. Sneaky, that's a mild term for that type of under-handed behavior, I've got a few other words that would be more suitable but I reserve the right not to express those at this time. Thank you.

If you are a homeowner in trouble, call your representatives and senators, your local politcians, the banking commissioner, the attorney general of your state and ask them if they can help. It's about time, government did something of real value for the homeowners, whether or not they are behind in payments, help everyone is some way, so that homeowners will have some incentive to stay and ride out the storm. This means the banks have to give back a little, they made their money during the better times, they probably have overseas accounts and they cry if the a homeowner asks for a prinicipal reduction. The National Mortgage Banker's Association is the root of the problem and they should get a life, not live off of the life's blood of homeowners.

We've all suffered and it's about being neighbors helping neighbors. If banks want to be considered human again, they have to show that they are warm blooded and have hearts.

Congress has to keep a sharp lookout over these banks, not take them over as free enterprise is important and necessary for the economy but when it's replaced by all-out greed, then that's different.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to those of you that don't get offended by that expression, if you do, close your ears and you won't hear it.


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