The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hooray! Just heard from Robert Serna that it would be OK for a modification-with no principal reduction. Boo!

It was good news at the beginning but the end of the offer was disappointing and without A REAL principal reduction, there can be no chance for lower payments of about $250.00 per month to allow us to be comfortable but not entirely, although we could live with it, just have to pull our belts in.

Banks and investors love to make billions, whereas, us average Americans just want to be comfortable, not greedy and living to excess. I told Robert, who is very nice incidentally, that without a principal reduction this can't and won't be realized. The home is underwater about 80-90 thousand and a principal reduction is needed. The Connecticut Banking Commissioner, the lawyer we've been speaking to and Rosa DeLauro's office have all agreed that it can be done if the bank and the investor want it to be done, there is no God telling them that it can't. They can do anything that they SINCERELY WANT TO DO, IF THEY FEEL IT WOULD HELP, they've done it for VIP'S and special interests, so make us VIP'S for the moment, not really, we are just grassroots type of people and we love our home and do not want to lose it.

Robert told me that he would speak to the powers that be and see if they work something out. I hope so, otherwise, we are just spinning our wheels here and it just tells us that Bank of America doesn't even want to help a good customer such as my wife as she always keeps them fully informed of our every move and situation by communicating to them at every opportunity as problems arise. This last problem we didn't see coming with my income drying up. I never drew a paycheck but I was able to write a check on the business as a non-deductible expense. Having no employees, this eliminates obligations of workmen's compensation, unemployment insurance and quarterly payroll taxes. The business did operate with a severe loss as sales on the retail side were non-existent and the home improvements lacked luster also. Just a total mess and disappointment all the way around. Oh, I almost forgot, remember earlier I was talking about greed, well, home improvement have that problem also and some of them, took the jobs that I set them up with and didn't pay me my portion, they wanted it all, just like the banks, 2 for me, none for you type of distributions between friends and neighbors. This is modern day America at it's WORST.

Let's get back to the basics from years ago, when a neighbor would show up at the door with a pot of soup or would just call to see how you were, not today, not everyone calls their neighbor or friend, they're too worried that the person might ask you for something or will have to give them something. We don't take anything or want anything from our friends or neighbors, just a little work of kindness and moral support in hard times would be sufficient.

The bank is in control of our fate and the fate of many others, it's about time, they stopped thinking about those bonus checks and try their hardest to keep many millions of additional people from losing their homes.

We will say a prayer, hopefully they will not let us down, but it depends on who's channeling the decision, the Lord as we know him or the Devil himself.

Happy Holidays

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