The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Friday, December 31, 2010

Bank of America-Please Help!: 12/30/2010 Wall Street bankers are publicly modest...

Bank of America-Please Help!: 12/30/2010 Wall Street bankers are publicly modest...: "On Thursday December 30, 2010, 5:46 am EST Their arrogance is beyond belief as they continue to have fun and prosper from the toils ..."

Thursday, December 30, 2010

12/30/2010 Wall Street bankers are publicly modest, however, they eye fancy toys, cars and cribs

On Thursday December 30, 2010, 5:46 am EST
Their arrogance is beyond belief as they continue to have fun and prosper from the toils of American workers and all homeowners and taxpayers. They have no modesty at all.

By Phil Wahba

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street executives may face smaller bonuses and a public that still eyes them with suspicion, but that isn't stopping them from rediscovering their love of luxury cars, oceanfront homes and private jets.

A soaring stock market, a surge in merger deals and an uptick in hiring on Wall Street are allowing bankers to gradually return to the lavish lifestyles they enjoyed until the 2008 financial crisis came crashing down on their party.

Despite talk of bonus cuts, many businesses that cater to bankers' whims, such as the luxury car dealerships on Manhattan's Park Avenue, are teeming with Wall Street suits.

"Even if they are worried about bonuses, their egos are involved here," said one dealership manager, who said requests have been filing in for $225,000 crimson red Ferraris and $170,000 Audi R8 convertibles.
Wall Street paid out $20.3 billion in bonuses for 2009, and the numbers for 2010 are expected to be up modestly, according to various estimates, including one from New York's comptroller.

Hedge fund managers and investment bankers who advise on mergers should see some of the biggest increases, while bond traders can expect cuts of as much as 30 percent.

Financial industry employees will find out in January how big a bonus they'll get, and those who aren't sure if they'll get much seem to be waiting before they spend lavishly.

Nonetheless, there are enough Wall Street tycoons expecting big paydays to feed luxury spending.
Swiss-made Hublot watches, which cost 6,500 euros ($8,500) on average, are still regarded as success symbols and remain popular in London's City and on Wall Street. Chief Executive Jean-Claude Biver of Hublot, part of LVMH, told Reuters that December would be a record month.

"They still want their toys," Luxury Institute CEO Milton Pedraza said of bankers.
Financial industry honchos have wasted no time lining up rentals months in advance in the Hamptons, a string of seaside hamlets on Long Island where New York's elite summers.

One top banker shelled out $200,000 to rent an oceanfront house in Amagansett on Long Island for the month of August, said Paul Brennan, a Prudential Douglas Elliman broker.

Wall Street's money is trickling back down to companies like Avantair, which offers private jet timeshares. John Colucci, Avantair's executive vice president, said inquiries are up this year though many are waiting for their bonuses before actually committing.

Many on Wall Street are wary of flaunting their spending plans because of lingering public resentment over soaring compensation to bank executives even as the U.S. government paid to bail out financial institutions in crisis.

"People are trying to keep it relatively in control," one investment banker told Reuters. Another said his firm's Christmas party was at a bar where finger food was served. These and other bankers contacted by Reuters would not be quoted by name.

One investment banker said he saw no need for splurging.
"After living through two years of stressful times, my wife and I will do a couple of modest things," the banker said, noting that his one indulgence was a Caribbean cruise that ended up being canceled by this week's snowstorm in New York.

Upscale store chains like Saks Inc,, Neiman Marcus and Tiffany & Co have reported some of strongest sales gains among retailers in 2010.

But employees at Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany in Manhattan told Reuters they haven't seen any sign of more spending in anticipation of banker bonuses.

Bill Morell, the general manager of Foreign Cars Italia, a Ferrari, Aston Martin and Maserati dealer in Charlotte, North Carolina, home of Bank of America, said he's been getting more inquiries from bank employees to purchase in February when their bonus checks come in.

But he also noted that interest in used high-end sports cars has been particularly strong.

One apparent change is that bankers with the means to fork out millions on homes and modern art are more discriminating than just a few years ago.

Wall Street types used to go to fairs like Art Basel Miami Beach and buy a paintings as a souvenir, but they now approach art buying as an investment.

"Now they're doing a lot of research and they're buying smarter," said Adam Sheffer, a partner at Cheim & Read, an art gallery in New York's Chelsea district.

Sheffer said the gallery earlier this month sold a $4 million painting by Joan Mitchell to a hedge fund manager.
Their splurging also extends to apartment hunting.

Halstead Property's executive director of sales, Richard Grossman, said Wall Street executives this year started making inquiries about Manhattan apartments earlier. Many high end places going for between $3 million and $7 million are in contract lately.

"Some of these guys are in their 20's and 30's and getting very big bonuses," Grossman said.
Luxury department store chain Neiman Marcus has also had no problem unloading some of its more curious and pricey Christmas gifts. The company said it took only three minutes to sell all 100 of its limited edition Chevrolet Camaros, priced at $75,000 each, when they were offered in October.

And the Mercedes-Benz dealership in Manhattan expects 2010 to be its best year ever. "They never really left," said general manager Blair Creed of his Wall Street clients.

(Reporting by Phil Wahba, Alina Selyukh, Paritosh Bansal, Nadia Damouni, Jon Lentz and Lynn Adler in New York, Astrid Wendlandt in Paris, and Joe Rauch in Charlotte; Editing by Michele Gershberg and Steve Orlofsky)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Heard from U.S. Senator Lieberman's Office today-His Office will Follow-Up Our Requests for Creative Help from Bank of America and It's Investor-Mellon Bank

                       (203) 934-4232

We are hopeful that Bank of America will turn over a new leaf, cease the greed tactics, remember that many of the people they've thrown into the street are taxpayers if one person in the home is still working, they are taxpayers and therefore, they were directly involved with bailing the banks out. The Banks need to sit back, take a deep breath and do everything under sun to change the mortgages to suit the situations, stop the jibberish about they can't do this and can't do that.

They certainly do not have a problem throwing people into the street in the middle of refinancing or modification and not even notify them that a foreclosure motion is in the works. Sneaky, that's a mild term for that type of under-handed behavior, I've got a few other words that would be more suitable but I reserve the right not to express those at this time. Thank you.

If you are a homeowner in trouble, call your representatives and senators, your local politcians, the banking commissioner, the attorney general of your state and ask them if they can help. It's about time, government did something of real value for the homeowners, whether or not they are behind in payments, help everyone is some way, so that homeowners will have some incentive to stay and ride out the storm. This means the banks have to give back a little, they made their money during the better times, they probably have overseas accounts and they cry if the a homeowner asks for a prinicipal reduction. The National Mortgage Banker's Association is the root of the problem and they should get a life, not live off of the life's blood of homeowners.

We've all suffered and it's about being neighbors helping neighbors. If banks want to be considered human again, they have to show that they are warm blooded and have hearts.

Congress has to keep a sharp lookout over these banks, not take them over as free enterprise is important and necessary for the economy but when it's replaced by all-out greed, then that's different.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to those of you that don't get offended by that expression, if you do, close your ears and you won't hear it.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hooray! Just heard from Robert Serna that it would be OK for a modification-with no principal reduction. Boo!

It was good news at the beginning but the end of the offer was disappointing and without A REAL principal reduction, there can be no chance for lower payments of about $250.00 per month to allow us to be comfortable but not entirely, although we could live with it, just have to pull our belts in.

Banks and investors love to make billions, whereas, us average Americans just want to be comfortable, not greedy and living to excess. I told Robert, who is very nice incidentally, that without a principal reduction this can't and won't be realized. The home is underwater about 80-90 thousand and a principal reduction is needed. The Connecticut Banking Commissioner, the lawyer we've been speaking to and Rosa DeLauro's office have all agreed that it can be done if the bank and the investor want it to be done, there is no God telling them that it can't. They can do anything that they SINCERELY WANT TO DO, IF THEY FEEL IT WOULD HELP, they've done it for VIP'S and special interests, so make us VIP'S for the moment, not really, we are just grassroots type of people and we love our home and do not want to lose it.

Robert told me that he would speak to the powers that be and see if they work something out. I hope so, otherwise, we are just spinning our wheels here and it just tells us that Bank of America doesn't even want to help a good customer such as my wife as she always keeps them fully informed of our every move and situation by communicating to them at every opportunity as problems arise. This last problem we didn't see coming with my income drying up. I never drew a paycheck but I was able to write a check on the business as a non-deductible expense. Having no employees, this eliminates obligations of workmen's compensation, unemployment insurance and quarterly payroll taxes. The business did operate with a severe loss as sales on the retail side were non-existent and the home improvements lacked luster also. Just a total mess and disappointment all the way around. Oh, I almost forgot, remember earlier I was talking about greed, well, home improvement have that problem also and some of them, took the jobs that I set them up with and didn't pay me my portion, they wanted it all, just like the banks, 2 for me, none for you type of distributions between friends and neighbors. This is modern day America at it's WORST.

Let's get back to the basics from years ago, when a neighbor would show up at the door with a pot of soup or would just call to see how you were, not today, not everyone calls their neighbor or friend, they're too worried that the person might ask you for something or will have to give them something. We don't take anything or want anything from our friends or neighbors, just a little work of kindness and moral support in hard times would be sufficient.

The bank is in control of our fate and the fate of many others, it's about time, they stopped thinking about those bonus checks and try their hardest to keep many millions of additional people from losing their homes.

We will say a prayer, hopefully they will not let us down, but it depends on who's channeling the decision, the Lord as we know him or the Devil himself.

Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Letter to U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro

Mrs. Ronni D. Mandell
135 Jones Street
West Haven, Ct. 06516
(203) 934-4232

To: Rep. Rosa DeLauro

Dear Representative DeLauro,
In 2009, Bank of America processed a modification on our mortgage and it worked for about a year, then, my husband, who had suffered two disappointments with 2 ventures, one was a home-improvement network, where he would provide advertising and networking for independent contractors finding them jobs to bid on. More or less, he was providing them with leads and in return they would pay our LLC a certain amount, mostly around 10%. This had done well in 2008 and 2009 but started to get more and more sluggish due to the inability of homeowners to secure loans from the banks to make necessary improvements to their home. This is what caused us to ask for the modification.

Since that time, we were trying to start a another venture, but on limited capital for that from my 401-K, we abandoned that idea and we also realized that the contractor network was not working any more along with the fact that several contractors didn’t pay my husband his portion for finding them the work. He is now under-employed at 61 years old. He will be 62 on the 28th of December. With his upcoming birthday, I convinced him, after refusals from him, to apply for early retirement, which he has been approved for. He will receive the first check on February 23, 2011.

We, at this time, can’t make our mortgage payment for December or January and February will be late. Knowing this problem was arising, we called and always communicated with Bank of America. We also learned from many people in our neighborhood and friends that at the time of our modification, there was nationwide tour going on by NACA, Bruce Marks, who has influence with the lenders and investors was getting great deals on 2% interest for the life of the loan, plus substantial principal reduction. Our net income will be roughly 2,700.00 per month and we were told by an attorney from Ct. Legal Service to play hard-nose ball with the lender and for us not to listen to the baloney about the investor having to approve it. She said that they are losing money on the loan already, there’s no equity and they should be glad that we want to stay if something would be worked out willingly by BOA and the investor. She said to insist on a 30% principal reduction and 2% for the life of the loan and perhaps payments will be in the ballpark of 31% of monthly income as the benchmark. Give or take a few dollars. She also said don’t settle for less, if they say no, tell them to foreclose and that it will take time, it won’t happen right away and that we should save our money.

We want to stay but we’ve also been told by the CT. Banking Commission, reporters and the attorney that it would be an added help to us if we can get a lawmaker in our corner to call on our behalf as a 3rd party, to request or suggest that they do something meaning and modify the mortgage whatever way they have to that will have an approximate $900.00 payment per month.

My husband can, according to the social security handbook and if God sees fit, he can work part-time as long as it’s within the guideline amount permitted by social security, which I believe is $14,160.00 per year. Hopefully, he will be able to find something in this very tough job market.

This housing meltdown is the fault of everyone, the banks, the government and homeowners that bought homes under the too permissive programs that were available from the predatory banks with the blessing of the government. When we bought in 2000, my husband was employed full time as an office manager until his boss lost the business due to a personal problem in 2003. My husband was with that company from 1997-2003 when it closed. Since then, he worked a part time job for a year and half and then tried some businesses of his own, we were able to pay bills as a non-deductible expense from taxes and he didn’t draw a paycheck per say, but it helped but things did not go well at all after a while. He is tenacious and he keeps trying many things but, now with much diminished income, my 401-k plan pretty much drained, it’s difficult to get anything going.

We are both helpful that you will go to bat for us, we always hear how you are the champion of your constituents, we voted for you in the last election and we would be greatly disappointed if you did not champion our cause.

Our contacts at Bank of America are:

Mr. Robert Serna-Negotiator
(877) 430-1431 Ext. 14139

Mr. Mark Martin
Office of the CEO
((877) 498-7226 Ext. 3916
(866) 681-5611

Ms. Barbara Desoer
President of Bank of America Home Loans

Mr. Brian T. Moynihan
CEO-Bank of America


Ronni Mandell

December 17, 2010


Friday, December 17, 2010

UPDATE: U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro has been contacted

Rep. Rosa DeLauro will be working on our case with the help of other Congress members as it's becoming more and more evident that the banks are not co-operating and doing everything they need to do for homeowners to stay in their homes. She also said that there are no regulations that limit what a lender can do. The lenders seem to be using that as out and excuse for their convenience and that of the investors. The repesentative also was grateful for my actions and the actions of my husband to not only help our situation but that of other stressed out homeowners.

Will keep all of your posted on any progress.

Ronni Mandell

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Connecticut couple fights to save their home.

Will The Bank of New York Mellon and Bank of America Work on Behalf of Senior Couple With 2 Rescued Greyhounds to Bring About Meaningful Change To Their Existing Mortgage?


By Mary Cordes

on December 16, 2010 United States of America

Up to 3 years ago, this couple had an A-1 credit rating, they are now like millions of others, who have had to endure hardship and the unjustly delegated blame for being irresponsible by taxpayers.

Everyone in this country knows full well that our politicians enabled banks to offer predatory loans, bankers in turn, sold those loans to consumers, packaged them, sold them, then they were sold over and over to investors, until the APR kicked in and all hell broke loose as the toxic loans were worthless and it trickled down to fixed loans also, therefore poisoning the entire mortgage industry.

With all this said, now the economy has tanked, banks were the first to be bailed out, followed by unions, carmakers, insurance companies and others. The ones that were denied any REAL and EFFECTIVE help, were the homeowners and they are struggling to survive, pay their bills, feed their families, while watching their homes lose value each and every day.
This particular couple, who's home was worth $235,000 at it's high point and most recently appraised on Zillow at: $139,500.

The couple I make mention above are seeking a way to keep their home and will keep up that hope that Bank of America's executives, Chairman, Charles O. Holliday, CEO, Brian T. Moynihan and President of Home Loans, Barbara Desoer will work in conjunction with the President and CEO of the Bank of New York Mellon, Robert Kelly to make this happen. It would be refreshing to hear that a once considered responsible couple are allowed to keep their home and still provide a home for the 2 rescued greyhounds that they have taken into their home and hearts.

I also wish to express that this couple also wishes that others will receive the same type of understanding and co-operation should it happen.

They also petition any politician that wishes to show that if they really care about the hopes, dreams and problems of the people on Main Street to call them at: (203) 934-4232 or just continue carrying on feathering their own nests, working only for their own goals and benefits, while turning away from the people that really need help and moral support. It seems that they only want our vote then the arrogance and indifference begins, all over again.

This couple does not want a free ride, they want to be able to pay their mortgage every month, but they need a genuine offer of modification that is equal to 2% for the life of the loan with a modest, but fair, principal reduction. This way, they can recoup the pride they once had and will again, be able to hold up their heads high. They are strong individuals and have weathered the storm up till now and don't treat it as a hardship but merely a small stumble on the life's path that can be repaired with some help from the community, just like a sidewalk is repaired.

Just recently, they found that NACA was managing to get 2% for the life of the loan deals for many urban homeowners, this couple would appreciate the same type of treatment or the question arises that there is a discrimination factor in the entire housing repair project started by the government's HAMP programs and others with the bank implementing the programs according to the guidelines. Everyone is suffering and all are underwater, NOT JUST URBAN FOLKS with APR's. It has also been disclosed to the couple by many friends and neighbors that even urban homeowners with fixed mortgages received the 2% mortgage also with principal reductions due to NACA's influence in the mortgage market. Mr. Bruce Marks wields a heavy hand and the lenders and investors listen without a problem. Let there be no problem in this instance either, seniors need a break too.

Regardless of what happens, God will judge them at the end of their lives and this is when the proper rewards will be given to them by the Lord, God in heaven. You reap what you sow on this earth and you will reap only what you deserve for your inadequacy to respond to people's needs on earth.

Come on Bank of New York Mellon and Bank of America, get together and work for these fine folks and others to redeem your past indiscretions of reckless gambling away of the families dreams for a place to live and a place to thrive comfortably. The Mandells of West Haven, Ct. are hopeful but they are still not convinced that the Bank of New York Mellon and the Bank of America are concerned about all mortgage customers, just very few, as few as they have to, in order to maintain a good image for the press and nothing beyond that. This illustrates that these banks have operated so long without a heartfelt view of it's customers that it has, unfortunately, become automatic and easy for them to do horrible things without really giving it any thought whatsoever. Just thing how many people are left with no options at all and that will not make any true differnce in their situations or help the economic recovery.

If any media representatives or journalists are interested in this article despite it's lack of sensationalism and violence, please inquire. Recent press release received thousands of views but very few replies, shame, shame on the media and politicians, who wait until anger and loss of life rears it's ugly head. It's too bad that reporters can't and won't print a human interest story that has no massacres and mass murders inter-twined, just merely a couple fighting their damndest to fight for themselves and others like them.

Media Contact:

Mary Cordes
P.R. Rep.
(877) 557-4937

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We've been told that Robert Serna would be calling today by Mark Martin of BOA

He is evidently going to work on our case and try to get something done. We, however, do not hold much hope that anything that is done will make a difference as it will probably be the bare minimum, driving the loan principal up to the moon with not principal reductiona at all and the interest rate will not be 2% for the life of the loan, but the ascending rate modification that is in effect now. This is why we feel that people should patronize the local community banks, where they have a stake in your community, whereas, the big banks don't know about your community, per say, and really don't care as long as their banks are generating money from checking and savings accounts. Bottom line mentality is too prevalent in all big bank decisions, nothing to do with grassroots America.

Band-aid solutions by the banks and government will not solve the problem for make it go away, they must take a major portion of the blame for the meltdown of the housing sector, stand up like human beings and do something very constructive about it to REALLY HELP HOMEOWNERS.

The Natioanl Mortgage Bankers Association plays a a part in this scenario, as they would rather see the band-aid affect be administered rather than trying their best to save the patient (homeowner).

Friday, December 10, 2010

Update-We heard from a very nice acceleration negotiator

On Wednesday, we heard from a negotiator by the name of Robert Serna, who is handling our situation and we are hoping he can do something for us to avoid any problems for the two months that we will be behind until my husband's social security kicks in.

We would be honored if one of the executive, who I have pictured on this site, perhaps, not in good way, and that will be rectified ASAP. We've both been very stressed out, we take paying our bills very seriously and when bumps in the road come along it sure upsets the apple cart. We know that some of the personnel from Bank of America have seen this blog and I've avoided optimizing it and I will make it more simple, like a diary and with God's help, we sincerely hope that Bank of America can do something for us.

Last evening, my husband spoke to a representative that works for the CEO and he was also marvelous, so we've been proved wrong, we were just stunned the other evening by Shawntia Culver, also a negotiator, who was cold and callous and made us very uneasy and she did manage, in her own way, to humiliate, look down upon us and that is why our reactions were a little over the top. We wish to put this to rest and we hope that Bank of America understands. We just need a lift for the 2 payments and then we will be late in February but a check will be in on or about Feb. 25, 2011.

The gentlemen that we spoke to last night suggested we issue a complaint on the negotiator that cut us down to size for no reason all. We will do that but we do not want her fired, she didn't use derogatory words or did she swear or anything as one representative did, when we were with Countrywide. Mortgage lending is tough business and the economy is putting a strain on everyone, so tempers do flare occasionally.
Mr. Mark Martin, will also be calling this evening as he wants to talk to my wife. He did say that Robert Serna is assigned to the case and he suggested to pursue a 4 month forebearance to allow the social security check to kick in. With that we will be able to meet the mortgage but he said that the investor has to approve the forebearance, but he did say that the last 24 months we have nothing wrong and at this time, we are current, we've tired like crazy to keep payments up, but the well at this time is dry but the solution is coming in February and my husband will also be trying to get another small venture going on a shoestring or try to find a part time job somewhere, but employment is tough for the younger set so who would really like and coot as he puts it. He is going to be 62 on December 28, 2010. I don't want anything to happen to him and he's like a mother, always worrying if I'm alright as I've been experiencing very high blood pressure the past few days and I have to keep that in check, hopefully, nothing else will surface to enflame it.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Urgent Call from Bank of America

After our nightmare conversation with the acceleration negotiator from hell the other night and the fact that the management of Bank of America in Charlotte, NC visited my blog and suddenly, we have a new negotiator, who didn't have a clue of what was going on and we cannot settle for this. They think after all the humiliation we went through that this is the best that they can do. We also have a message that  a gal from headquarters of the CEO wanted us to call her. We left a message and hopefully, she will call back.

We are expecting an apology and an olive branch of some sort as we are not the types of people that will tolerate someone speaking in a condescending manner to us. We took down the new negoitiators name and told him that we would call if something new came up or any changes.

I am not pulling this blog as the calls from homeowners have been coming in and I want them to continue as I am putting a group together than can bombard them with complaints until the cows come home. If there are homeowners that have a mortgage held by Bank of America, don't hesitate to call. (203) 934-4232


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Husband and I just heard the sad news about Elizabeth Edwards passing away.

We will keep her in our prayers. She can be remembered for her charitable work, her efforts for women's causes, she was a skilled attorney, and managed her husband's campaign for President in 2007 and 2008 and of being a dedicated wife and loving mother.

Our hearts go out to the children and family. The children now have an unsurmountable void in their lives and may they get all the support they can from family, friends and neighbors.

God, please take Elizabeth into you arms and welcome her into your kingdom.

As far as John Edwards, he is the lowest form on this earth for what he did to her, but his actions only confirm to us all that those who go to Capitol Hill to serve this nation are surrounded by scoundrels and before long, they become caught up in the seedier ways of Washington, where entitlement reigns supreme, They take advantage of the voters and citizens and yes, even the ones they loved. He discarded Elizabeth and yet, she still stood strong and proud, till the end.

John Edwards, hang your head in shame and when it's time for your passing, God will be judging you for your earthly misdeeds and you then can ask him for mercy for the heartache you caused your loving wife.

Again, May God Bless Elizabeth and accept her into his arms. May all of God's love shine down on her loving children. Amen.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just checked in with my husband, he's feeling a little better and now he's on a mission to hopefully change the system and make Congress more aware.

After last night's inquisition with the negotiator, my husband, who I thought, after the conversation was having chest pains, is back and ready to pursue many active routes to bring some light and closure to the treatment we received, didn't deserve and neither did the millions of other Bank of America customers.

He agrees with me that Bank of America will do something sneaky and we must act quickly to avoid it, each and every politician in Washington D.C., now, will be contacted, no stones unturned, media outlets will be on our blog email list to get the word out that this has to stop and it has to be NOW!

He is now also agreeing that the Wikileaks disclosures that are coming just might help the economy by weeding out organizations that are not working in the best interest of helping to build the economy, just fill their coffers for those large bonuses for all their employees, who have been expertly trained to dole out verbal abuse and instill fear, which has become a trademark of the Bank of America. He's worked in customer service for years and has never had a conversation with a customer like that, the customer, by their patronage pays the checks of these employees that abuse, if it weren't for the customers, they wouldn't have damn jobs at all, like the rest of us. Perhaps, someday, they won't. My lips to God's ears.

Bank of America should show a little modesty and apologize to us and others that have been treated incorrectly and act like a patriotic corporation that is bent on making this country prosperous again by lending money to businesses in a less stringent manner, not holding on to the HAMP monies given to them by the government to refinance mortgages for their customers, who many have been waiting for over 10-12 months for any resolutions on refinancing, they are stalling them as a friend of mine, who is also a customer of Bank of America, who never gets back to her either, she always has to initiate the call to them and they say that they are still working on it. It's been over 9 months already for her. Where the hell is the money the government gave them, is it being used for the upcoming Xmas bonuses? You bet you're butt it is, and speaking of butts, we might as well kiss ours goodbye, if this EVIL CORPORATION is allowed to continue to operate this way.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I have some hope that someone at Bank of America really cares

I may feel that Bank of America doesn't care but I most have hope that someone does. If this works out then maybe something can be done to provide some relief for the 2 months consisting of December 2010 and January 2011, until my husband gets his very first social security check.

I'm sure that they are dealing with thousands and perhaps millions of homeowners that are facing foreclosure and they are swamped with work.