The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our hearts go out to U.S. Rep. Giffords, her family and the victim's and their families

There is a lot of stress out there and people are struggling to make ends meet but we feel that this man went too far by resorting to violence and killing innocent people. It will solve nothing, if anything, it's only going to infuriate the different sides in the debate on what direction this country is headed.

In the past few weekss there has been a coming together feeling in Washington and we all hope that this does not widen the gap again.

May God Bless Rep. Giffords, her family and the families of the dead and wounded. Both of us will keep them all in our prayers and ask the Lord that the wounded make a speedy recovery from their wounds and that the hearts broken by this event will help the families of the deceased achieve closure and peace with the loving support of family and friends.

Ronni and George Mandell

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