The Ugly Truth About HAMP

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Both Political Parties Feel That If You Have-NO Address-No Vote-Read Posting for Important Information.

Whether you are a Republican, Independent or Democrat, you are still entitled to vote.

No fixed address

You can still register to vote even if you do not have a fixed address. This may be because you are:
  • a patient in a mental health hospital
  • a homeless person
  • a person remanded in custody
To register, you need to fill in a form called a 'Declaration of local connection'. You can get this form by contacting your electoral registration office or the Secretary of States office. Demand to be able to vote. If you've lost your home to foreclosure due to the lack of help from politicians, you certainly want your vote to count and pay them back for their dismissal of your problem-especially if you asked them for help and they didnt' supply it due to their dependence on being looked upon in a favorable way by those Big Businesses that keep the coffers in Washington full, come election time.

On the Declaration of local connection form you need to give an address where you would be living if it were not for your current situation, or an address where you have lived in the past. If you are homeless, you can give details of where you spend a substantial part of your time.

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